Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Life changes

So mom is home now - came home on Friday.  A lot of recouperating needed. Though her sitter Joan works wonders with her. She even got in the wheelchair and sat outside for a while.  Not walking yet. Just enough to transfer. And mentally she is here and then she is somewhere else in time and space.
We have had Theresa's family in town.  A rare treat.  They are a blessed diversion from the geriatric scene.
I started this blog trying to motivate myself on eating and exercise.  These last two weeks have been an eating disaster. Gotta get back to some kind of plan.  Hard to take self time with so much else happening.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Well here we are again.  Sitting with mom in the hospital. She is having a bout of "sundowners" wanting to get her car and go home now!   I am staying the night.  Hope I get some sleep. Hope she gets some sleep.
On the bright side, even though she fell and broke her hip, the  surgery repair went well.  Now comes the hard part, getting her mobile enough and breathing enough O2 to go home.  Prayers are appreciated!
I haven't written in a week.  I tried to take a break from a few things to slow down just a bit.  Getting ready for Seder meal,this week, plus Theresa's family coming in town!  And Michael and Piper coming in town last minute. 
And because of mom, I'll see two of my brothers also this week.  Lots of comings and goings! 
I am trying to recommit to WW.  And was down 1 pound at weigh in. It's a restart.  Hospital sitting and eating probably won't help.  But gotta keep moving forward!

I'm tired now so I'll close.  Gotta stop grandma from unhooking her wires!

Sunday, April 6, 2014


It's been a busy weekend, (I need to find another word instead of "busy"). Had some yummy meals lately, crawfish salad, charbroiled oysters, lamb kabobs.   Not all at once of course.  But savoring the delicious food of New Orleans.  Not helping my diet at all!

However I did go weigh in on Friday and vowed to get a grip and work at reducing calorie intake.  Had a good walk today. Gotta plan.  

Stephen and I saw Jesuits production of Damn Yankees.  It was a very good show.  Stephen was very interested. The director said she tweaked a few of the lines and lyrics to make it more affirming of women.  That is so encouraging to hear that.  

Tonight mom is a bit confused.  Wants to go home and can't believe that "home" is here with me for the past 11 years!  The thing is she will forget this incident tomorrow.  I just hope that she doesn't get all worked up about it.  Funny because she had two really good days where I started to think that maybe her thinking was clearing up.  Then she starts packing to go home.   
Well she is quiet now and I hope she goes to bed soon.  

Another adventurous week lies ahead.  God good and in control.  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

It's good I went to the  eye dr. And I was right the contact lens did protect my eye, that's the good news. I was spared a serious cornea abrasion because I was wearing the contact lens.  The bad news is the contact lens was ruined, it got dented!  Thankfully my eye is healing and I am able to wear an old contact lens until I get a new one ordered. Craziness!

My women's group went out with me on a gondola ride in city Park last night. It was a belated celebration for my birthday. The weather was perfect and the boat ride was so much fun. I loved seeing city Park and the sculpture garden from the view of the lagoons.

Today was busy as well and ended with the trip across the lake to go help out Joanna. I picked up her three kids from school and got them supper at the " best place in the world to eat "which was raising canes!  It was a fun evening even though Joanna was under the weather.

Thought for the Thursday : God loves my children even more than I do!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


As I write this I am recovering from being bopped in the eyeball by an
 Empty water bottle that Stephen tossed at me.  Feels a little strange. Hopefully it will be ok.  I think my contact lense actually protected my eye.  Goodness!

Anyway, the more I write here in my blog the more I am following other bloggers. Interesting reading the lives of people.

Mom has been sleeping most of the last two days.  Her O2 level seems ok so,I guess she is ok.

The Pentecost seminar we gave went very well. We were pretty exhausted  afterward.  Now it looks like there are six more Tulane students who want to come so we may do another seminar next week.
No grass growing under our feet!

Speaking of grass growing, I enlisted the help of grand kids Cy and Kerri to get my garden finished -planted and mulched.  It looks beautiful!  They earned some spending money and I saved my back and knees!  I like this arrangement!  What other projects do I need help with?

A few of us are continuing a bible study on Tuesday mornings.  Right now we are reviewing a Word Among Us lenten study from a few years ago.  It is short, but insightful and gives us something to think and share about.

Also on Tuesdays we have been having dinner around the corner with seem friends of ours. Kathleen does the cooking mostly. I am getting spoiled.  I don't cook much on Monday and Wednesday because that's when I bring Stephen to swimming right at supper time.  Now I am basically not cooking on Tuesday either.  Doesn't bother me!

I better sign off. My eye still doesn't feel right.  Lord, heal me.