Saturday, March 1, 2014


Well daughter Grace did have a beautiful baby girl, Hannah Elise, and all is well. They are home now and thensiblings are parading for Mardi gras weekend.

I am fasting on Fridays for the success of our upcoming women's retreat.  I wasn't sure what kind of fast I would do so I decided to eat only meal bars for breakfast and lunch with no snack.  That works well for me.  I have some energy to take care of mom and Stephen and the house, etc, but I am still hungry enough to remember that I am praying.  We did go to dinner that night with friends.   I was careful not to overindulge simply because I didn't want the overnight indigestion I have recently experienced.  We ended up eating late due to some circumstances. Then I stayed up till midnight to make sure my meal was digested before I went to bed.   It worked.

Today was a slow day, we opted not to go to the big Endymion parade because we are going to a day parade tomorrow called Thoth.
I visited with Grace and the baby.  After a nice Lord's day meal where Phil barbecued steaks, we hosted Joanna and her three kids for s'mores.   They are sleeping over tonight and we will all go to the Thorh parade in the morning.

Mom slept all day with brief wake times to eat.   Hope she does ok tomorrow because my sitter isn't available so she'll be on her own.  If she has another rsleep day, that would be perfect.  We'll see.
The weather was perfect today.  I give it a "10". Hope for soe, of the same tomorrow with Higgs around 73.  It is supposed to be cooler and windy by Mardi gras day.

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