Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

Having babies does not always go according to plan. Which is why I didn't mind people praying for me when I was pregnant. My daughter, Grace Marie was induced into labor this morning.  I have been up since 3:45 so I could go to her house by 4:30 so they could get to hospital by 5:00. So I had the other five kids all day while she and Paul worked all day on having this baby.

So as far as eating goes, I had a lot of carbs today.  It just seemed like that's what there was to eat.  Feeding lots of kids involves lots of carbs.  So I am not too pleased about it, but will get back on track tomorrow. I do think I am slightly wheat intolerant so my system will be happier tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow I am going to dinner with friends from out of town and will have to eat in moderation so I don't cause myself the extreme stomach upset I have been experiencing after late night dinners.
Since I had the grand kids, I didn't mention to mom, who was sleeping anyway, that bingo was today.  Hopefully we can go next week.  I did however get her showered and hair washed on Wed.  Great accomplishment.  She loves visiting with the little ones especially Lillie who is 2y.o.  Then There comes a time when Mom has to go in her room and close the door.
My thoughts:  Kid's noise levels rise to the occasion.  And. For a good reason I can get up and function at 3:45 am.  Who knew?

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