Saturday, June 9, 2007

A Fine Farewell

Ken, Phyliss, Liz, Marsha, Mom

Mom and I took an unexpected trip to Long Island last weekend. Her remaining brother and my godfather Uncle Jimmy Powers had passed away. He and wife Phyllis have lived in Florida for over 16 years, but at his death, Jim wanted to rest in peace on Long Island, where they all grew up.

Since he was a retired policeman, the men in blue stood as honor guard while he lay in state and escorted us to the cemetery. Since he was a former Marine, the men in uniform retired and presented the flag. It was very respectful and solemn. My cousin, Marsha and husband Ken Raynor and three great kids (Jimmie, Katie and Christie) were there adding the warmth of memories and admiration.

Jim had survived eight years after a bout with esophageal cancer. He had not chewed swallowed any food in all that time. My Aunt Phyllis has assisted him with his tube feedings and whatnot to help him live a relatively normal life. Once a man of Archie Bunker opinions and accent, he was forcibly humbled by cancer to a wispy voice and a much quieter demeanor.

However, he still had his amazing stories that thrilled the grandkids all the more. And he had that borrowed time we all hope to experience in order to show his love to those he was closest to.

As taps flowed out of the bugle and mingled with the trees at Calverton National Cemetery, hearts were moved. Many who came from far away were united for a time to honor and bid farewell to this good man. We slowly departed and went to have a common meal.

Farewell Uncle Jimmy, you will be missed.