Friday, January 31, 2014

Finally Friday

Well I wrote this once and tried to add a picture or two but it didn't work.
Anyway it looks like I am posting every other day.   That works for me.
So today Stephen finally went to school.  Yay.  I went to WW this morning and was down 1 lb.  that is good considering the stress of this winter weather threat,  I guess I managed it ok.
Thursday I chose not to bring Mom to bingo because I still had Stephen and would have had to bring him also.  I wasn't up to that much craziness!  Instead I took Stephen to buy a new bible, a pair of Sunday shoes and to see Frozen again.
Successes all around!  We got the Brick Bible, done entirely of Legos pictures with captions.  Stephen loves it!  It's not perfect but for him it is awesome.  He spent all afternoon reading it.  And he brought it to school today.  The movie is still good, we love the songs! And now we have black slip on shoes for church.  So it was a day well spent. Mom will have to wait a week for bingo.
My friend, Cathy's mother passed away today.   Praying for her and the family.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wasted Wednesday

Well not totally wasted, but...  No school because of ice on the roads.  By 9 am Phil went in to work. Took the surface roads.  I wanted to take Stephen to a movie but the theaters were closed. Ended up going to the Roses' house. Grandma insisted she wanted to come. So we all took a ride and visited over lunch.
Weight watchers was cancelled so ill have to go Friday.  Didn't exercise. Really need school to start back up!
Guess what? No school tomorrow for Stephen's  school only.  I must plan on exercise and good eating tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Icy Tuesday

We spent the day waiting for snow.  Got a little sleet shower for awhile.  And I am still battling this cold. So I made a yummy pumpkin soup.  Used organic onion soup as a base (because the soup by itself was not very tasty). Used pumpkin purée that never became a pie, Added some garlic and thyme and seasoned salt.  Wasn't sure what to expect.  After simmering for 30 minutes and adding a small amount of cream, it was very good.  I will be eating that for a few days.  Warm and tasty!
Walked to our neighbors for supper.  That was my exercise.  The walk was brisk! It was 29* out!

Catching up

I missed blogging the past two days.  I think because I got my cold back.  By the time the antihistamine kicks in I zonk out.  Has to rewind the Mentalist to see whodunit!
Anyway I wanted to say that Sunday was a mild day, weather wise so we were in and out.  But mostly I challenged Stephen to wii fit plus and we spent a good hour taking turns doing those fun exercises.  Good for me and him!
Monday I use my time at rhythm band as my exercise.  I am on my feet for over an hour with two classes. We usually march around the room once or twice. I am pretty exhausted when we are finished.  It was fun yesterday in anticipation of forecast ice and possibly snow, I chose all the snow and ice songs I could find.  I had to insist that frosty the snowman says nothing about Christmas, only about a snowman . I also chose songs from the new movie Frozen . - "Do you want to build a snowman?"  The kids who have seen the movie were pretty excited about that.
If I could figure out how to put in links, I could send you to the song.  Doing this blog on my mobile device prohibits me I think.
Anyway it is 5:30 on Tuesday morning.  Postnasal drip was waking me up coughing.  the antihistamine that put me to sleep has worn off.  waiting for a Claritin to kick in!
All school and work is cancelled because of anticipated ice on the roadways.  Hope it snows.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Simple Saturday

Brought stephen to miracle league basketball this morning and he was invited to stay and play soccer, Which he decided not to sign up for initially.  Afterward since we were uptown (at Sacred Heart's gym) we decided to check out our friend and art teacher, Peter's,  art show on magazine street. After  that we ate at a Mediterranean cafe. (They had cheeseburgers on the menu so it was good for Stephen) I ordered a lamb gyro which was very yummy.  And I was able to only eat half and take a box for the rest. Yay me.  Now I have two leftover meals waiting for me in the fridge! We had quite a morning out!
This evening we had a Lord's day dinner with friends.  If there is sun out Phil will BBQ! I created dessert- pumpkin bread pudding.  Used up some leftover wheat bread, 1/2 can of pumpkin, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 2 eggs and 1 1/2 cups milk.  Pretty good and healthy too.
I think a cold is trying to take hold.  Sniff.

Friday, January 24, 2014


Went to weight watchers today.  Down 1/2 pound. Could be worse.  Was glad I went.  Then took mom to hairdresser.  She's been having a couple of "up" days.  Those will be followed by sleeping days. It's a weekly cycle.
Got to try to write this earlier on the evening.
Went out to dinner (finally got a sitter) and managed to only eat half and take home the rest.  Still I was stuffed.  A Zantac night again.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

I can at least be consistent with this title! 😏
I didn't lose what I had hoped with my liquid prep. But I do need to remember that it's a lifestyle change I need here not a quick fix.  Blogging here is one way I am keeping accountable (to whomever - kinda scary, but we'll see how it goes). It forces me to daily evaluate.  I am seeing my problems though not enumerating them all here.  Constantly making healthy choices and keeping active are going to be my key areas of focus.
No I didn't get the exercise in today but I did manage to stay awake and polite with Mom at senior bingo. "Why don't you eat the ice cream
And cookies? Why are you drinking a DIET coke?" Very loudly.  Sigh.
Anyway..,today's thought- bloom where you are planted.

Hummus Recipe

Discovered a hummus recipe that skips the tahini altogether. Uses 2 T of lemon juice, I can of garbanzo beans, and extra water if needed.  Instead of a jalapeño pepper I used a pickled okra (my brother gave me a jar of pickled okra and peppers.  Trying to find uses for them!). And I put lots of garlic paste.  Blended until smooth.  Tasty!  And I toasted an Ole low carb tortilla and cut into triangles to use a dippers.  Good for you food all around.

Wiped out Wednesday

Ok the colonoscopy went fine and I am a-ok.
And I was able to go to Coach Bill's funeral which is a gift from God.  I really didn't think I would be able to do both.  So thank you Lord.
Didn't exercise as I was sleepy most of the day.  I will make up for that tomorrow.  Hoping the liquid fast helps me get a good weigh in on Friday. But who knows?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tricky Tuesday

Food wise today was interesting.  I'm prepping for tomorrow's colonoscopy so liquid diet only.  I managed to have enough broth and apple juice and tea to keep me satisfied.  I surprized myself.  Maybe I can existing on less food.  Hmmm
The evening prep is exhausting.  I'm going to bed.  More prep in the morning. Hoping to survive this test and get to coach Bill's funeral at 1 pm.
Pray for my friend Cathy whose mom is about to leave this world.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Began Martin Luther King day by watching Remember the Titans with Stephen.  So appropriate.  Glad times have changed and yet I still see racism from many people.  Needs more prayer.
Got my walking in at the zoo today. Had to park a five minute walk away.  But that pales compared to the bike hike Phil and Stephen took on river road from causeway to the zoo!
 If I can figure how, I'll post a few pics.
Ate decently today.  Tomorrow I go on liquid diet to prepare for colonoscopy on Wed. That should help my diet for Fridays weigh in!   We'll see!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Simple Saturday

Stephen is now playing miracle league basketball fir six weeks.  A nice outing where the parents chat and watch out for badly aimed basketballs - of which there are many.
The weather was sunny and mild.  Tempted to get replacement plants for those that froze, but I'll wait a few more weeks.  
Foodwise the day was unevenful. Tried to eat light at lunch.  But I had a regular dinner with a small dessert.  Enjoyed Lords Day prayers with friends.
Didn't exercise.  And it's ok

Friday, January 17, 2014

Frantic Friday

Got to find a better name for Friday.
Still in a funk. Theresa's news about her family and their condition weighs on me also.
But I will trust in The Lord to be there when she needs. John 16 says "in this world you will have trouble but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world!" praise God!

I did a Bollywood workout tonight. That was a kick!  I can't do it all but it was different.
I tossed out the remainder if the veggie chips.  I cooked two apples (with cinnamon, Splenda and a few raisins) in the microwave for my afternoon snack. Pretty good!
have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

Today was one of those day when I couldn't focus on one thing for long.  I think it's  because I am preoccupied by the death of Stephen's coach and our friend Coach Bill.  Have not heard of funeral plans as yet.  Makes me unnerved.
Anyway, eating becomes less focused as well when I am like this.  I did however finally get to make some soup, cauliflower.  And I used my new cuisinart stick blender.  It worked so well and was so less messy than the big blender.
Didn't eat any grains at dinner. But I did buy a bag of veggie chips which I think is adding salt that I don't need.
No workout today.  Promise I will do it tomorrow
Thought for today - tell those who are dear to you how much you love them. You might not get another chance.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Workout Wednesday

Got hit with awful news this evening that makes me want to redouble my efforts to get healthy.  Stephens swim coach died today. He was only 61. Takes the wind out of your sails.
Please pray for him and his family.

I did try a 20 minute work out today. It was doable. Then I walked the dog around the block. I was tired after al that.
Also weighed in at weight watchers - down 1 lb. even after yesterday's feast!  Going in the right direction.
Christmas decorations are all packed and ready to go back in the attic. Making progress.
May The Lord bless us with one more day.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tighten up Tuesday

Today was not typical.  We had the StMichael's chefs charity for children. Cooking demonstrations and luncheon. The food was  very yummy but a spoon ful of 11 dishes was a lot of food!  So much for the diet!   However the day was fun and a great time with friends!
But I did eat just a salad for supper.  And I did an exercise video.
Keep moving on!

Monday, January 13, 2014


Busy day today.  Meetings early and late. Rhythm band in between. Had a regular breakfast, lunch from the salad bar at the grocery.  Dinner was a grilled onion and cheddar burger from McDonald's.  billed as 350 calories.  I only at half the bun. I did snack on veggies and ranch dip after school.  And I I ate the top off a piece of king cake
okay okay I'll throw the  rest away!
Somehow I feel like I ate too much.
Didn't exercise again, however, rhythm band is usually a good aerobic activity for me!
Trying to fight discouragement.  Maybe I'm just tired.
Stay the course.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sleep in Sunday

Despite the fact that Stephen was up and dressed for 7 am mass, he woke us up at 6:58, so that was not an option. We passed on that and woke later at 9:00.  So 11 am mass it was, followed by a trip to IHOP.   (IHOP was a frequent haunt, especially for Phil and Stephen.  But in order to reduce Stephens caloric intake we have reduced our visits there to once a month)
I managed to not eat anything before mass, so IHOP was brunch.  Ordered an egg white garden omelette and - a first bold step for me - no cheese!  Add a fruit cup to that and a few bites of Phil's grits and I call that a good start!
Later that day we had a retirement party for our friend Tom.  I ate little pinwheels and two pizza bites and one finger sandwich.  Maybe a few more pinwheels.  However I passed on the cake!
In all I think I did pretty well eating.  Didn't exercise.  Day of rest right?
Well maybe I had an upper body workout- I pushed mom in her wheelchair all around Dollar Tree.  I'm sure that counts for something!
Feeling successful so far.  Hope we all have a great week ahead.  Mine is busy already!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Would have been nice if saints had won, but we had a few couples over and lots of conversation and food!
Made "Whodat highball" drinks - low sugar but did have liquor!  Used vanilla spice whiskey and apple orchard bourbon, lemonade and sprite zero. Tasty!
I also made a whole wheat pasta salad which the group devoured so we a ate healthy there.  I only had half if a burger, no bun, since they logged in at 23 fat grams a piece!  Skipped the baked beans.
Thankfully the king cake was not super creamy yummy so could pass on that too!
Probably over indulged in the cheese and triscuits!
But I did a 12 minute core workout so that's good.  After a week of these short videos I will try to double the time.  Taking it slowly so I don't injure my back.
Time to Put away saints decorations (and the rest of Christmas!).
WhoDat Nation signing off!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Frantic Friday

Had a day to do errands since I had a sitter here all day.  But of course when my day is unplanned, eating  is off also.  Need to Plan my snacks for in between meals - especially if I am going to be late for lunch!  
Did not get my exercise in today and I missed it.  All the more determined to do it tomorrow.  I want to see how long it takes to build up my ab strength. 
But what I did today ended up being a good use of my time so I do t regret it.  (Visited with old friends Bud and Sharon and Working on a power point slide show for my friend Tom who us retiring.).
Dinner was 1/2 hour late but no one was worried. 
The challenge for tomorrow is to plan my play off football watching food!  Go Saints!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

Nothing tastes as good a being thinner feels.
I accidentally skipped lunch today. And I didn't die of hunger.
Pilates floor exercises are very hard when you have no ab strength.
It's easier to keep focused when I start my day in prayer.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Weigh in Wednesday

Did another workout video from spark people. Com.  Chair cardio!  I know it sounds wimpy but it totally fatigued my legs!  Tomorrow I'll try a standing one.
You could also call this weigh in Wednesday as I'm back at weight watchers Jenny's noon class. Up just two pounds from the holidays.  Time to get serious!
Going for power foods.  Bought an exercise mat.  Let the fitness begin!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New year - new you - new me?

Just beginning to keep track of my healthy comeback.
Started yesterday, Monday.   Trying to eat right.
Today, eating better, mainly though, I exercised my core and abs.   Whoa! Where did my strength go? I want it back!
I found some good video workouts on starting with sitting on a chair.
Probably will record this on "work out" Wednesdays.
What should Tuesday be?  "Try something new" Tuesday.  Well the computer exercise video was new.  It was doable and free. So far so good!