Friday, February 15, 2008

Mardi Gras and Lent

Okay, the new year continues into an early Mardi Gras and Letnen season. Which is fine by me. Mardi Gras was great. Here are a few pictures:
Superman Stephen snacking while waiting for the Rex parade. Joanna and baby Anna, Mehan Mehaffey and Eileen Timler.
Granddad Phil and Zachary.

Now on to Lent. I am giving myself a weight loss challenge. A dozen for a dozen. Exchange (or lose) a dozen pounds for a dozen Easter eggs. Time to take back control! This is a good time of year for me to make this a spiritual battle of the will.

Dieting isn't always a spiritual thing, but there's something about fasting that brings food consumption into the forefront as a real player in prayer. I want to incorporate that aspect of prayer into my life. I know I will reap prayer benifits from it. I also plan to reap weight loss benifits from it.

So if you have a prayer request I will be happy to pray for you as I fast. God's power is alive and strong and He is still working miracles.