Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

Having babies does not always go according to plan. Which is why I didn't mind people praying for me when I was pregnant. My daughter, Grace Marie was induced into labor this morning.  I have been up since 3:45 so I could go to her house by 4:30 so they could get to hospital by 5:00. So I had the other five kids all day while she and Paul worked all day on having this baby.

So as far as eating goes, I had a lot of carbs today.  It just seemed like that's what there was to eat.  Feeding lots of kids involves lots of carbs.  So I am not too pleased about it, but will get back on track tomorrow. I do think I am slightly wheat intolerant so my system will be happier tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow I am going to dinner with friends from out of town and will have to eat in moderation so I don't cause myself the extreme stomach upset I have been experiencing after late night dinners.
Since I had the grand kids, I didn't mention to mom, who was sleeping anyway, that bingo was today.  Hopefully we can go next week.  I did however get her showered and hair washed on Wed.  Great accomplishment.  She loves visiting with the little ones especially Lillie who is 2y.o.  Then There comes a time when Mom has to go in her room and close the door.
My thoughts:  Kid's noise levels rise to the occasion.  And. For a good reason I can get up and function at 3:45 am.  Who knew?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


The week has begun uneventfully.  Mom has been pretty sleepy these past few days.  Of course I don't have thr sitter wed. and thurs. so she will probably be up and busy.
My plan for Thursday is to watch my daughter Grace Marie's children while she gets induced to have her 6th  baby.  Such a blessing, but a lot to keep track of!  Hope all goes well. I should have a good time with the grand kids.  I just rediscovered the finger paints.  Dare I?
Anyway, I have not yet got back to exercising.  I read today that you should make time for exercise now or you will be forced to make time for injuries and sickness later.  Hmmm.
I bought a new microwave that I really like.  The first one was a 2.2 cu. Panasonic whose keypad didnt work out of the box!  What a pain.  Brought that back right away ( purchased at best buy because of their  great return policy). Then I chose a smaller 1.5 LG which is a better brand anyway.  It is working great and I like the sleek stainless and black look.
Also am feeling pleased that I got a nice haircut (express- no wash)  for $22 at JCPenney salon.   Who knew?

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wind down weekend

Since my last post about mom being up, she spent the next two days sleeping!  Saturday was her birthday so I worked hard to get her up,so the girls, Joanna, Grace Marie and I could take her to lunch.  She went and had a good time I think.  We had to keep reminding her it was her birthday.  The waitress brought out a large piece of chocolate cake with a lit sparkler on it and we sang happy birthday!  Very nice.   I was glad to do something special for her.
 I was over ambitious in my gift for her.  I got her a tablet, hoping she could play games or check the weather on it. She often says she wants a computer.  But after trying it out, she was fairly confused and afraid of breaking it.  So we may put that away and I'll go buy her a nice blouse!
Speaking of lunch, I dId choose a "fit" menu item at Copelands.   I was good enough, but lacked the yummy sauces that I like from there.  Duh!  I did however have some appetizers, so I wasn't totally on track.
Today is Sunday and I am catching up on my sleep.  It's raining so will try to do a workout video today.  It is also the beginning of Mardi gras season here.  We didn't catch any parades this weekend, but we are making plans for the next round.  And we are already talking about summer plans and trips.  Living the life God gave us to the full!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thoughts for hursday

I know it's been a busy week but I can't believe I haven't posted since Monday!
Weigh in Wednesday went well.  Down 2 lbs so I think this low carb approach is working.  Thank you Lord!
I went to another funeral today.  My friend's mother.  That's three, one every two weeks.  Hope that isn't a trend!
It's been a week of meetings and doctor visits.  Stephen had to see the endocrinologist and get blood drawn to check his thyroid.  In years past he would kick and scream and be dragged into the lab.  Now he will sit on his own, squeeze the ball and close his eyes.  He is so brave and grown up!
The first of the week was busy and then Phil went out of town wed-fri.  That means I needs to drive Stephen to school and deal with him and mom on my own.
Of course, Mom has been up all day, since 7:15.  She is still up.  Her mind is creating all kinds of scenarios that never happened.  She is so confused and I am too because she wants me to get things for her that don't exist.  I can't get her to go to bed.  Oh my.
I was able to solve the problem of my fridge water dispenser not working.  The repairman said I would have to empty it and defrost it for 24 hours.  I managed to only empty the freezer and defrosted the part that was frozen by putting a pot of boiling water near it.  Water was running in three hours!
Looking forward to lunch tomorrow with friends.
My thought for today?  Nothing profound comes out of a confused mind.
I'm tired and she won't go to bed!  Sigh...

Monday, February 17, 2014


Food wise I am trying to follow the low carb plan still am
Having some success I think. My stomach has to get used to the veggies to crunch instead of bread or crackers. I'm doing a week regimen if Prilosec anyway cause I had some problems last week.
My Monday exercise is rhythm band because we march around and I stand and teach for an hour shaking instruments and making music.  It was fun today as I walked down the hall toward the chapel where I set up, one small student saw me and I heard "there's Miss Liz!"  With excitement in her voice. Makes me happy happy!
Mom had a better day once she finally woke up @ 3. Pm.  Still her mental ability may have stepped down another notch. Time will tell.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunny Sunday

I'll start with Saturday.  Took Stephen to his final basketball and soccer games.  Once again I am so appreciative for the volunteers who coach these kids!
Mom was having a hyper day.  Convinced that she had taken her car and drove to the hairdresser for a chat. None of which happened of course.  It tends to be emotionally draining constantly trying to understand her and redirect her thoughts.
Sunday was nice.  Stephen Served 7 am mass which he likes because he is the only one and he does it all.  (Gotta work on those large yawns he makes during the homily though.  Was he just doing what we were all thinking?). Anyway, we went to early mass so we could catch our first Mardi gras parade of the season, Little Rascals.  This parade has children as the riders plus their parents.  Stephen knew two of his friends who were on the floats.  The day was sunny and warm.  Interesting to me was the
diversity of people around us.  Standing nearby were some Hispanics, Asian, Muslim and black and white.  Friendly crowd.
Mom has been asleep all day.  Finally woke around 7 pm and ate her morning donut!  She decided to stay in bed.  This usually happens after her very hyper days.
Had a gathering of half of our community here for prayer and dinner.  It's nice to be able to rearrange the furniture and open up our den/dining area to become one room.  Made two crock pots of roast beef.  Yummy.
Busy day, early start.  Hope to get to bed at a decent hour tonight.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines day

It was a relaxing day.  Phil took a day off and we went to breakfast and dinner.  The sitter came for mom.  And mom actually got up today and was eating normally.  I gues her virus is gone.  Just hoping I don't catch it.  Feeling kinda strange this Evening.  Might just be the Bloody Mary I had at dinner!
Anyway we walked in the French quarter to Pat O'Briens which means you have to walk on bourbon street.  It felt like a scene from Its a Wondrful Life where George sees the town  if he had never been born.  Loud music, bars on the corners, people pushing and shoving.  Bourbon street!
But it was a nice stroll.
I also worked awhile with my granddaughter, Kerri.  I am teaching her to sew.  She is a whiz on the machine and a fast learner!  Lots of fun!
Praying for all my children young and old and all their concerns.
Happy Valentines day.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

Mom is better thankfully.  Slept all day but no incidents one way or the other.  Good news.  She even ate a bit of toast this evening.
I'm on the second day of low carb eating. So far so good.
My thought today is on joy. I have had people marvel at my upbeat attitude among some difficult situations. Thinking about it I know I was not always this way.  Joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit:


Galatians 5

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. I don't claim to have all of these attributes but I do think I have a few and they are blessings from the Holy Spirit in my life. I've been asked if I didn't regret some aspect of my life , not having a career so as to raise a family for instance. One thing I know is that I believe I have traveled in the path The Lord set for me. Bring in God's will gives me peace and thus joy. So my friends have a laugh today and find joy in life. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how. 

What a Wednesday!

Posting Thursday morning for wed. night.
Mom was sick today.  We woke up to a bad smell coming from her room.   She was asleep so I helped get Phil and Stephen off to work and school before I tackled what I knew would be a mess.  Actually I even ate breakfast first!  Then I heard her throwing up.  And she had the runs.   So for the next hour I was busy cleaning her, the bed, washing sheets and towels, etc.   thankfully my housekeeper comes on Wed mornings so she was a big help.  Got mom settled and protected ( :-)) from future problems.   She finally stopped being sick around noon.   Hasn't had a problem since.   We did sleep with the monitor on overnight in case she started throwing up again, but all was (relatively) quiet.   Hard to sleep when you can hear someone muttering away!  Pray for her please.

So needless to say I was tempted toward stress eating.  I did not get to WW since I didn't have a sitter to stay with her today.   (In fact I think she caught this virus from the sitter who her self was throwing up Monday afternoon before she left.  She attributed it to some bad hogsheads cheese she ate.  But I think it might have been a virus and now mom has it. ).

I was not inclined to go to WW anyway because my weight was actually up from last week.  I am getting frustrated.  I think that even though WW says I can have what I want in moderation, I am not disciplined enough to keep it all accounted for.   I have decided to go carb free for a while,  Atkins phase 2.  It is rather extreme but it seems I need some things off limits and some things  that i can eat when I am hungry.   And foregoing the breads makes it easier to say no to king cake which is mostly bread.  I followed this all day and it was satisfying.  Even ordered a grilled chicken bacon wrap from McDonald's and threw away the wrap.  The insides were very good!

Here's hoping mom has a good day today and I'm praying for all my grown children and their concerns.  Life is fragile.  Handle with prayer!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Mostly Monday

Mondays are busy for me as I teach rhythm band classes at St Michaels school in the afternoon. Usually I plan my lessons on the morning. This morning I had to bring Stephen for a well check up so I could fill out his summer camp application.  Good checkup.  Got the flu vaccine nasal
Mist.  He was very happy it wasn't a shot.
Because I was on the run I decided to have a slim fast shake for breakfast. Had a salad lunch and another shake for supper.  On Monday evenings I take Stephen to swimming and am gone from 5:30-7:30 so supper is messed up anyway.   Feeling a little more in control today.
Grandma was up early going through her dresser drawers.  Don't know what to do with all her stuff!
She was at it all day. That seems to be her mode of operation when she is very wakeful.   Craziness!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Skating Saturday

Watching the Olympics.  It's hard to imagine the strength these athletes have.  The training they must endure.  I am tempted to think that  If I had half their ambition, I could lose the weight and get fit again.  But then I don't have the undivided time to commit.  There is always someone or something vying for my attention.  But the good Lord has guided me to this place and I believe I am where I'm supposed to be.  So though I marvel at what a human being can accomplish, I realize I have accomplish some marvelous things as well. Birthing seven children for one thing.  Being married for 38 years, another.  Sharing the language of music to many a children's mass or school class over the years, etc etc.  not to blow my own horn but  the point is we all have achieved greatness in our lives.  We just don't always get an Olympic medal for it!

Aside from that, here is my 'fess up part - I did not get to WW this week, nor did I get much exercise in.  The blog is part of my accountability so I don't want to deny it.  It's been a month since I started it and I have been faithful to at least an every other day entry.  So time to get back on track with the exercise.  I think I need to drink more water as well.
I served quinoa for dinner tonight.  Those of us who ate it thought it was pretty good.  It will take awhile to fully integrate that into our dinner menus!  People don't like to eat what they can't pronounce!

I drove across the lake to Joanna's today to help her with some house reorganizing.  When I take that 40 minute ride I usually listen to a podcast (Joyce Myer) or recorded People of Praise teaching on my iPhone.  It's a great way to pass the time and I am so inspired by the time I arrive.

A quick shout out to Jesuit high school whose drama club hosted the miracle league kids Friday and taught them some song and dance numbers.  Lots of fun for Stephen.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

Wednesday was a good day.  The housekeeper came.  She missed last week because of the icy weather. She lives across Lake Ponchartrain and drives in on the 24 mile causeway bridge.  It was closed for three days because of black ice! I appreciate the clean house.  Having a weekly housekeeper was one of the allowances I took to assist me in my care for mom.  It is good to realize my limits and to get help where I can.
Today was fruitful. I actually spent some time in my new office.  I am preparing one part of a talk on prayer to be given next week.  One realization I had was that even though I have a nice prayer format online that I like to use : , I am easily distracted by checking email or Facebook and not staying focused on prayer.  So sometimes I just need to put away the electronics and use a prayer book and bible.  Such a revelation! :-).
I also took mom to bingo today.  Grace Marie and I laughed when mom was insisting that she could wear her warm bathrobe to bingo.  I convinced her to shower and put on real clothes!  A triumph.  And she won $5 and a set of candleholders today.  She was thrilled.  But I have a hard time staying awake at bingo.
So Thursday nights are fairly uneventful  here.  No meetings for anyone.  Nice to just relax.  So you'll notice I  am actually writing this before midnight! And being quite prolific.
So my thoughts for Thursday? I will leave you with this quote from scripture:

"You will search for me,” God declared. “And when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me. I will let you find me” (Jeremiah 29:13).  What a promise!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I I have told my mom about 50 times today, I spent the day at a funeral.  It was a peaceful, beautiful send off for my friend. Cathy's mother.  I enjoyed seeing her family members and my old friends.
Probably ate too much reception food.
No time to work out and no time to work in my office.  Have to weigh in tomorrow.  Not looking good.  I may hold off til Friday.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Funny, I'm looking back over my posts and never have a catchy name for Monday!

Today I took another new step.  I am creating an office for myself in our back room we refer to as the "east wing". It is simply an extra bedroom created out of 2/3 rds of the garage.
Anyway I set up a table, got a cute pitcher to hold pens and pencils, put appropriate light bulbs in the lamps and voila I was ready to to.  But my my ipad would not pick up the wifi from the house router. No to worry, I stopped by RadioShack and bought a router extender.   A bit more costly than I expected, but I was able to set it up and it works!  Techno-mom does it again!
Had to run off to of Rhythm Band so have not had the full advantage of it yet.  I can hear my adult children now saying, "it's about time you put a router out there!"
So I can get work done while I have a sitter in the house and I won't be under Mom's watchful, questioning eye.
What work you ask?  Well I am working on a book of poem prayers which I do hope to get wrapped up soon.  I also have other responsibilities as a woman leader in the People of Praise community.  Keeps me plenty busy.
Made an appointment to get my toe pain checked out.  Trying to eat mostly "power foods".

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Sunday

I came within 2 seconds of winning $125.   Only score the broncos had and I was upset about it!  Go figure!
Party food- whole wheat pasta salad, chicken wings I baked myself, corn on the cob, veggie tray.  Guests brought hot dogs and chili, chips (mostly baked) and king cake.  Of course the cake was the worst - calories wise.  Taste wise it was great!  But I did not agree to keep any leftover!  Yay me.
Mom finally slept today til 4:00.   She needed it.  Was talking in circles yesterday!

Didn't exercise.  Yesterday I took the dog to the dog park .  Not much exercise but some.
Biggest problem now is two pain areas.  One is the second joint of my big toe.  Giving me problems.  Probably osteoarthritis.  Trying to find the best shoe to wear.  The second is my left knee.  Sharp pain when I try to kneel.  I hate not kneeling at church.   I think it is some bursitis.  So I will continue to exercise but keep watch over these injured spots.
All this points to weight reduction to relieve the pain.  Got to try harder!