Thursday, December 30, 2010

Life Poems

Mom's pain

Is it real
Is it imagined
Does it matter?
It is pain
Her pain
So much pain she will curse
She will question why
She will cry
She will become like a child
not knowing what to do.
I have a pill
It takes time to work
I have another pill
I have a soothing voice
Suggestions to lie down
I have no answer.
But I must steel myself
Not be drawn in to the pain
Not be offended by the cursing
Not be saddened by the tears.
I can no longer be the child
Though she is my mother
I must be her caretaker
Her companion
Her nurse
I must help her deal with the pain
Together we fight the pain
Not so much her daughter any more
But she will always be
My mom.

Life Poems

Giving blood

Life flowing silently within me
Keeping me alive
Feeding my organs
Bur now I chose to share this life force
Invade my veins
Stick in a tube
I will squeeze the ball to push out my blood
Thick and red
I don't look
Try not to think
About my life force flowing out
Trusting that what they say is true
I can build a new pint within a day
My friend cannot
She has a sickness in her blood
Yet it came
I will gladly share my life force with her
How amazing is this blood
How necessary for it to flow silently within me
I am grateful that I can share.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


When we got our dog, Bambi (a golden doodle - terrific dog) my husband said are you sure you want one more special needs individual in your life? He had a point. But we got one anyway, and she helps the other special needs people very much. (although the first year created some very anxiety filled moments)

But this is not about the dog. I toggle my time between caring for my son with Down syndrome and my aging mom with dementia. Many days are almost carefree. He is at school, she is well and watching her favorite movie (Pride and Prejudice) andI am free to shop or have coffe or surf the net or keep house as I see fit. Other days and weeks are not so free.

Take this one for example. I was looking forward to seeing one of my sons in a Mardi Gras parade last Saturday, but that got curtailed when Mom woke up with extreme vomitting and diarhea. Poor thing was a mess. Caregiving. How much have you loved today? Enough to clean up the mess? Enough to comfort? Enough to spend the next 7 hours in the ER while they replace her fluids and send her home? Enough to miss the parade?

It is the kind of thing you just do and think about later. You can't keep counting the costs. You just do what has to be done.

I contracted the stupid virus myself and watched the Saints win the superbowl from my sick bed amid dozing off and trips to the bathroom. May I just say for the record - not fair!

New start

Got an iPhone. Going to try to update
My blog more often. We will see how it goes. We baptized my newest grandchild,Blaise Robert this weekend. I'm going to try to post a picture.