Monday, February 3, 2014


Funny, I'm looking back over my posts and never have a catchy name for Monday!

Today I took another new step.  I am creating an office for myself in our back room we refer to as the "east wing". It is simply an extra bedroom created out of 2/3 rds of the garage.
Anyway I set up a table, got a cute pitcher to hold pens and pencils, put appropriate light bulbs in the lamps and voila I was ready to to.  But my my ipad would not pick up the wifi from the house router. No to worry, I stopped by RadioShack and bought a router extender.   A bit more costly than I expected, but I was able to set it up and it works!  Techno-mom does it again!
Had to run off to of Rhythm Band so have not had the full advantage of it yet.  I can hear my adult children now saying, "it's about time you put a router out there!"
So I can get work done while I have a sitter in the house and I won't be under Mom's watchful, questioning eye.
What work you ask?  Well I am working on a book of poem prayers which I do hope to get wrapped up soon.  I also have other responsibilities as a woman leader in the People of Praise community.  Keeps me plenty busy.
Made an appointment to get my toe pain checked out.  Trying to eat mostly "power foods".

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