Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wind down weekend

Since my last post about mom being up, she spent the next two days sleeping!  Saturday was her birthday so I worked hard to get her up,so the girls, Joanna, Grace Marie and I could take her to lunch.  She went and had a good time I think.  We had to keep reminding her it was her birthday.  The waitress brought out a large piece of chocolate cake with a lit sparkler on it and we sang happy birthday!  Very nice.   I was glad to do something special for her.
 I was over ambitious in my gift for her.  I got her a tablet, hoping she could play games or check the weather on it. She often says she wants a computer.  But after trying it out, she was fairly confused and afraid of breaking it.  So we may put that away and I'll go buy her a nice blouse!
Speaking of lunch, I dId choose a "fit" menu item at Copelands.   I was good enough, but lacked the yummy sauces that I like from there.  Duh!  I did however have some appetizers, so I wasn't totally on track.
Today is Sunday and I am catching up on my sleep.  It's raining so will try to do a workout video today.  It is also the beginning of Mardi gras season here.  We didn't catch any parades this weekend, but we are making plans for the next round.  And we are already talking about summer plans and trips.  Living the life God gave us to the full!

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