Monday, February 10, 2014

Mostly Monday

Mondays are busy for me as I teach rhythm band classes at St Michaels school in the afternoon. Usually I plan my lessons on the morning. This morning I had to bring Stephen for a well check up so I could fill out his summer camp application.  Good checkup.  Got the flu vaccine nasal
Mist.  He was very happy it wasn't a shot.
Because I was on the run I decided to have a slim fast shake for breakfast. Had a salad lunch and another shake for supper.  On Monday evenings I take Stephen to swimming and am gone from 5:30-7:30 so supper is messed up anyway.   Feeling a little more in control today.
Grandma was up early going through her dresser drawers.  Don't know what to do with all her stuff!
She was at it all day. That seems to be her mode of operation when she is very wakeful.   Craziness!

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