Thursday, February 13, 2014

What a Wednesday!

Posting Thursday morning for wed. night.
Mom was sick today.  We woke up to a bad smell coming from her room.   She was asleep so I helped get Phil and Stephen off to work and school before I tackled what I knew would be a mess.  Actually I even ate breakfast first!  Then I heard her throwing up.  And she had the runs.   So for the next hour I was busy cleaning her, the bed, washing sheets and towels, etc.   thankfully my housekeeper comes on Wed mornings so she was a big help.  Got mom settled and protected ( :-)) from future problems.   She finally stopped being sick around noon.   Hasn't had a problem since.   We did sleep with the monitor on overnight in case she started throwing up again, but all was (relatively) quiet.   Hard to sleep when you can hear someone muttering away!  Pray for her please.

So needless to say I was tempted toward stress eating.  I did not get to WW since I didn't have a sitter to stay with her today.   (In fact I think she caught this virus from the sitter who her self was throwing up Monday afternoon before she left.  She attributed it to some bad hogsheads cheese she ate.  But I think it might have been a virus and now mom has it. ).

I was not inclined to go to WW anyway because my weight was actually up from last week.  I am getting frustrated.  I think that even though WW says I can have what I want in moderation, I am not disciplined enough to keep it all accounted for.   I have decided to go carb free for a while,  Atkins phase 2.  It is rather extreme but it seems I need some things off limits and some things  that i can eat when I am hungry.   And foregoing the breads makes it easier to say no to king cake which is mostly bread.  I followed this all day and it was satisfying.  Even ordered a grilled chicken bacon wrap from McDonald's and threw away the wrap.  The insides were very good!

Here's hoping mom has a good day today and I'm praying for all my grown children and their concerns.  Life is fragile.  Handle with prayer!

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