Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunny Sunday

I'll start with Saturday.  Took Stephen to his final basketball and soccer games.  Once again I am so appreciative for the volunteers who coach these kids!
Mom was having a hyper day.  Convinced that she had taken her car and drove to the hairdresser for a chat. None of which happened of course.  It tends to be emotionally draining constantly trying to understand her and redirect her thoughts.
Sunday was nice.  Stephen Served 7 am mass which he likes because he is the only one and he does it all.  (Gotta work on those large yawns he makes during the homily though.  Was he just doing what we were all thinking?). Anyway, we went to early mass so we could catch our first Mardi gras parade of the season, Little Rascals.  This parade has children as the riders plus their parents.  Stephen knew two of his friends who were on the floats.  The day was sunny and warm.  Interesting to me was the
diversity of people around us.  Standing nearby were some Hispanics, Asian, Muslim and black and white.  Friendly crowd.
Mom has been asleep all day.  Finally woke around 7 pm and ate her morning donut!  She decided to stay in bed.  This usually happens after her very hyper days.
Had a gathering of half of our community here for prayer and dinner.  It's nice to be able to rearrange the furniture and open up our den/dining area to become one room.  Made two crock pots of roast beef.  Yummy.
Busy day, early start.  Hope to get to bed at a decent hour tonight.

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