Thursday, May 8, 2014

The new "normal" and thought for Thursday

I love my iphone.  I feel like I won't waste a minute of time waiting as long as I am connected.  Yesterday I brought my van toToyota for service.  While I waited I updated my budget and sent out emails.  Today I am Bringing Phils car in for service and decided to do a blog entry.  I am sitting outside enjoying the morning breeze ignoring (sort of) the interstate car sounds just 100 yards away.

So the new norm is  that I have a sitter everyday because mom can't get up by herself and walks very slowly with her walker. But it's only been three weeks since she broke her hip so I think she is doing really well considering.  Thankfully the home hospital bed has a side rail that keeps her safe overnight. So we all sleep well. The goal is to get her stronger and back to a regular bed that she can get in and out of herself.  Good to have goals.
In the meantime my life continues.
Stephen will make his confirmation next week and graduate elementary school the next.  Then school is out and we are planning summer trips.
Phil goes out of town on business trips and with the help of our sitter(Joan - who
Mom likes) I hold down the fort.  This prolonged spring has been glorious!

In the health column, a sure sign of my stress is that my weight was going up!   But now that I have come up for air, I decided to get serious and do atkins for awhile.  Down5 lbs so far.  Nothing breeds success line success.
So that's life in a nutshell for now.
Thoughts for Thursday - whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do to me..

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