Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Catching up

I missed blogging the past two days.  I think because I got my cold back.  By the time the antihistamine kicks in I zonk out.  Has to rewind the Mentalist to see whodunit!
Anyway I wanted to say that Sunday was a mild day, weather wise so we were in and out.  But mostly I challenged Stephen to wii fit plus and we spent a good hour taking turns doing those fun exercises.  Good for me and him!
Monday I use my time at rhythm band as my exercise.  I am on my feet for over an hour with two classes. We usually march around the room once or twice. I am pretty exhausted when we are finished.  It was fun yesterday in anticipation of forecast ice and possibly snow, I chose all the snow and ice songs I could find.  I had to insist that frosty the snowman says nothing about Christmas, only about a snowman . I also chose songs from the new movie Frozen . - "Do you want to build a snowman?"  The kids who have seen the movie were pretty excited about that.
If I could figure out how to put in links, I could send you to the song.  Doing this blog on my mobile device prohibits me I think.
Anyway it is 5:30 on Tuesday morning.  Postnasal drip was waking me up coughing.  the antihistamine that put me to sleep has worn off.  waiting for a Claritin to kick in!
All school and work is cancelled because of anticipated ice on the roadways.  Hope it snows.

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