Saturday, January 11, 2014


Would have been nice if saints had won, but we had a few couples over and lots of conversation and food!
Made "Whodat highball" drinks - low sugar but did have liquor!  Used vanilla spice whiskey and apple orchard bourbon, lemonade and sprite zero. Tasty!
I also made a whole wheat pasta salad which the group devoured so we a ate healthy there.  I only had half if a burger, no bun, since they logged in at 23 fat grams a piece!  Skipped the baked beans.
Thankfully the king cake was not super creamy yummy so could pass on that too!
Probably over indulged in the cheese and triscuits!
But I did a 12 minute core workout so that's good.  After a week of these short videos I will try to double the time.  Taking it slowly so I don't injure my back.
Time to Put away saints decorations (and the rest of Christmas!).
WhoDat Nation signing off!

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