Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

I can at least be consistent with this title! 😏
I didn't lose what I had hoped with my liquid prep. But I do need to remember that it's a lifestyle change I need here not a quick fix.  Blogging here is one way I am keeping accountable (to whomever - kinda scary, but we'll see how it goes). It forces me to daily evaluate.  I am seeing my problems though not enumerating them all here.  Constantly making healthy choices and keeping active are going to be my key areas of focus.
No I didn't get the exercise in today but I did manage to stay awake and polite with Mom at senior bingo. "Why don't you eat the ice cream
And cookies? Why are you drinking a DIET coke?" Very loudly.  Sigh.
Anyway..,today's thought- bloom where you are planted.

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