Friday, January 10, 2014

Frantic Friday

Had a day to do errands since I had a sitter here all day.  But of course when my day is unplanned, eating  is off also.  Need to Plan my snacks for in between meals - especially if I am going to be late for lunch!  
Did not get my exercise in today and I missed it.  All the more determined to do it tomorrow.  I want to see how long it takes to build up my ab strength. 
But what I did today ended up being a good use of my time so I do t regret it.  (Visited with old friends Bud and Sharon and Working on a power point slide show for my friend Tom who us retiring.).
Dinner was 1/2 hour late but no one was worried. 
The challenge for tomorrow is to plan my play off football watching food!  Go Saints!

1 comment:

John Slattery said...

Who Dat! I'm sure its challenging to stay healthy on a day with a huge Saints game, but you're doing great. It's good to see your voice in the blogosphere :)
