Saturday, January 25, 2014

Simple Saturday

Brought stephen to miracle league basketball this morning and he was invited to stay and play soccer, Which he decided not to sign up for initially.  Afterward since we were uptown (at Sacred Heart's gym) we decided to check out our friend and art teacher, Peter's,  art show on magazine street. After  that we ate at a Mediterranean cafe. (They had cheeseburgers on the menu so it was good for Stephen) I ordered a lamb gyro which was very yummy.  And I was able to only eat half and take a box for the rest. Yay me.  Now I have two leftover meals waiting for me in the fridge! We had quite a morning out!
This evening we had a Lord's day dinner with friends.  If there is sun out Phil will BBQ! I created dessert- pumpkin bread pudding.  Used up some leftover wheat bread, 1/2 can of pumpkin, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 2 eggs and 1 1/2 cups milk.  Pretty good and healthy too.
I think a cold is trying to take hold.  Sniff.

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