Friday, January 31, 2014

Finally Friday

Well I wrote this once and tried to add a picture or two but it didn't work.
Anyway it looks like I am posting every other day.   That works for me.
So today Stephen finally went to school.  Yay.  I went to WW this morning and was down 1 lb.  that is good considering the stress of this winter weather threat,  I guess I managed it ok.
Thursday I chose not to bring Mom to bingo because I still had Stephen and would have had to bring him also.  I wasn't up to that much craziness!  Instead I took Stephen to buy a new bible, a pair of Sunday shoes and to see Frozen again.
Successes all around!  We got the Brick Bible, done entirely of Legos pictures with captions.  Stephen loves it!  It's not perfect but for him it is awesome.  He spent all afternoon reading it.  And he brought it to school today.  The movie is still good, we love the songs! And now we have black slip on shoes for church.  So it was a day well spent. Mom will have to wait a week for bingo.
My friend, Cathy's mother passed away today.   Praying for her and the family.

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